About Us

  1. Environmental Campaign Committee

    1. Awards Committee on the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence
    2. Education Working Group
    3. Publicity Working Group

Environmental Campaign Committee

The Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) has been set up since 1990 to promote public awareness of environmental issues and encourage the public to contribute actively towards a better environment. Committee members are appointed by the Chief Executive. Representatives of relevant government bureaux and departments, including the Environment and Ecology Bureau, also sit on the Committee. With the funding allocation from the Environment and Conservation Fund, the ECC organises various environmental events and activities for different sectors of community. The membership list and terms of reference of the ECC are as follows:

  • To campaign for the environment with the objectives of instilling the sense of environmental responsibility and motivating attitude and behavioural change towards environmental protection;
  • To advise the government on publicity and educational programmes related to the environment with a view to contributing to the government’s formulation of relevant policy initiatives and measures;
  • To collaborate with stakeholders of the community in promoting public environmental awareness and encouraging community environmental actions for a sustained and society-wide impact;
  • To implement publicity and educational programmes related to the environment, and to monitor and review the programmes with a view to improving their impact and effectiveness in a manner contemporary to societal need;
  • To encourage and facilitate communication, collaboration and capacity building among stakeholders of the community in maximising programme synergy and their knock-on effects; and
  • To administer resource granted under the delegated authority of the Environment and Conservation Fund Committee judiciously and in a publicly accountable manner.






Awards Committee on the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence

  • To promote environmental excellence among public and private organisations in Hong Kong;
  • To steer and oversee the implementation of the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE) and Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification (HKGOC); and
  • To review the Award and Certification Schemes, and advise the Environmental Campaign Committee on enhancement of the Schemes.

To be updated in due course

Education Working Group

  • To promote environmental awareness among schools, tertiary and vocational institutions;
  • To plan and oversee the implementation of the environmental award scheme(s), educational and training schemes and related programmes for the school sector; and
  • To advise the Committee on the appropriate strategy and effectiveness of environmental education initiatives in the education sector.

To be updated in due course

Publicity Working Group

  • To promote environmental awareness and behavioural change among the community by publicity; and
  • To advise on the planning and implementation of various community-wide publicity programmes to promote the Government's initiatives on the environment.

To be updated in due course